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The New Anthology of Hebrew Short Stories
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The New Anthology of Hebrew Short Stories
The New Anthology of Hebrew Short Stories celebrates the astonishing richness and diversity of Hebrew short fiction by including established and internationally acclaimed authors, as well as younger, contemporary writers, some of whom appear here in English translation for the first time. The editors’ introduction sets the scene for this updated, wide-ranging collection of Hebrew fiction that showcases the vitality of Hebrew literary culture and the vibrant genre of the Hebrew short story. The extraordinary revival of Hebrew as a spoken language at the turn of the 20th century led to an explosion of literary activity that continues to the present day. Drawing from this expansive, exciting literature, these stories reflect the rich and complex social and political life of a multi-layered literary culture, and also offer an intimate exploration of human relationships and the joys and anguish that shape daily life wherever and whenever Hebrew literature has been written. From a genre that predominantly addressed historical and religious concerns, Hebrew fiction has come to embrace the modern world in all its complexities. The stories in this collection show us how writers have negotiated the demands of tradition and modernity, the role of the Holocaust in contemporary Jewish and Israeli culture, and a range of individual experiences in modern Israel and the diaspora. Works by writers like Maya Arad and Sayed Kashua, who currently live outside Israel and write in Hebrew, acknowledge the expanding geography of Hebrew short fiction. From Dvora Baron’s depictions of shtetl life to the microfictions of Alex Epstein and sci-fi fables of Yitzhak Oren and Shimon Adaf, this collection also highlights the ways in which the genre of the Hebrew short story has been reimagined over two centuries. [Subject: Literature, Fiction, Israeli Studies, Hebrew, Linguistics]
- 作者: Abramson, Glenda (EDT)/ Jacobs, Adrianna X. (EDT)
- 原文出版社:Vallentine Mitchell
- 出版日期:2018/01/16
- 語言:英文
The New Anthology of Hebrew Short Stories